Miller Font

Here are a t-shirt and burp cloth I have done in the Miller font. It's really cute for little boys.

Clothing Blank: Navy Crew LS T
Thread: Red
Font: Miller

 Thread: Navy
Font: Miller

Ellie Font

Here is a gown I did for a customer:
Clothing Blank: White gown
Thread: Purple
Here is the pink romper. It can either be great play clothes or a cute pair of pjs. 
Thread: Hot pink

Lion & Carter Font

Here is the lion on one of the LS Rompers:
  Fabric: Blue gingham
Thread: Blue & brown
Font: Carter

This is one will be added to my sample stack for shows...I forgot the second "i" in William. But none the less, it shows the lion applique.

 Fabric: Blue gingham
Thread: Blue & brown
Font: Carter